Did you know that regular exposure to chlorinated pool water can increase hair porosity by up to 80%? For swimmers in Indianapolis, this statistic represents a real challenge. As someone who has both struggled with and solved chlorine damage, I’ve seen firsthand how swimming can wreak havoc on otherwise healthy hair.
Swimming is incredibly popular here in Indianapolis, with our numerous public pools, aquatic centers, and year-round facilities. Whether you’re doing laps at the IUPUI Natatorium, taking your kids to Indy Island Aquatic Center, or training with a local swim team, your hair is facing a chemical battle every time you dive in.
The combination of chlorine, other pool chemicals, and our unique Indianapolis water composition creates specific challenges for swimmers’ hair. But don’t worry – you don’t have to choose between your swimming routine and beautiful, healthy hair. As a specialist at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop located at 4911 West 38th Street, I’ve helped countless Indianapolis swimmers maintain gorgeous hair despite frequent pool exposure.
In this guide, I’ll share everything you need to know about protecting your hair before swimming, treating it afterward, and the professional solutions available right here in Indianapolis. Let’s dive in!
Why Indianapolis Swimmers Face Unique Hair Care Challenges
You know, I never realized how different swimming in Indianapolis pools could be until I moved here about eight years ago. The first thing I noticed was how my hair started feeling like straw after just a couple weeks of swimming at my local recreation center. It wasn’t just dry – it was breaking off and had this weird greenish tint that definitely wasn’t the look I was going for!

Indianapolis has some unique water quality factors that make swimmer’s hair care particularly challenging. I’ve talked with countless clients who come into Basil Beauty and Barber Shop with the same complaints. Our municipal water tends to have higher mineral content than some other cities, and when combined with pool chemicals, it creates a perfect storm for hair damage.
Let me break down what’s actually happening to your hair when you swim in Indianapolis pools. Most of our public facilities use chlorine as their primary disinfectant, and while it keeps us safe from bacteria, it’s absolutely brutal on your hair. Chlorine strips away your hair’s natural protective oils, leaving the cuticle open and vulnerable. And here’s something most people don’t know – it’s not actually the chlorine that turns blonde hair green! It’s the copper in the water that oxidizes and deposits on your hair. Wild, right?
I remember one client, Sarah, who came in almost in tears because her expensive highlights had turned a murky shade of green after a swim meet at IU Natatorium. We managed to fix it, but it took some serious professional intervention.
Different hair types react differently to our local pool conditions too. If you’ve got fine or already damaged hair, you’re gonna notice problems much faster. I’ve seen strong, healthy hair turn brittle after just a month of regular swimming without proper care. Curly and textured hair tends to become extremely dry and lose its pattern definition, while straight hair often goes flat and lifeless.
Year-round swimming presents its own challenges too. In summer, you’re dealing with a double-whammy of pool chemicals plus sun exposure at outdoor facilities like Indy Island Aquatic Center. Then winter comes, and while you might think indoor pools would be gentler, sometimes they actually maintain higher chlorine levels since there’s less dissipation in enclosed spaces.
Another thing that surprises my clients at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop is learning that Indianapolis has varying water chemistry across different pools. The IUPUI Natatorium might have different chemical balances than, say, the Jordan YMCA pool. This means your hair might react differently depending on where you swim!
I started talking to competitive swimmers who train at various facilities around the city, and they all had stories about how their hair changed depending on where they practiced. One collegiate swimmer told me her hair felt relatively okay after practices at her university pool but would feel like absolute straw after meets at certain other facilities.
It’s not just the elite athletes dealing with this either. I see kids from local swim teams, adults who swim for fitness, and even occasional recreational swimmers all facing similar issues – just to varying degrees. The more frequently you swim, the more aggressive your hair care routine needs to be.
Trust me, I learned this lesson the hard way. I used to swim three times a week and couldn’t figure out why my normally healthy hair was suddenly breaking off and looking dull. It wasn’t until I started working at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop that I learned about the specific challenges Indianapolis swimmers face and how to properly address them.
At our salon, we’ve actually collected informal data from our swimming clients about which local pools seem to cause the most hair issues. While I won’t name names, let’s just say some facilities have earned quite a reputation among hair professionals in the area!
Humidity is another factor that makes Indianapolis swimming hair care unique. Our summers can be brutally humid, which might seem like it would help dry hair, but actually can make chlorine-damaged hair even more frizzy and unmanageable. I’ve had clients who couldn’t understand why their hair felt fine right after swimming but would become a frizzy mess an hour later – that’s our lovely Indiana humidity at work!
I’ve also noticed that swimmers who use pools with salt water systems (which are becoming more popular around Indy) experience different issues than those swimming in traditionally chlorinated pools. The salt can actually be less stripping initially, but presents its own challenges for hair care over time.
Over the years working at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, I’ve become something of an accidental expert on Indianapolis swimmer’s hair. We’ve seen so many clients with these specific issues that we’ve developed specialized treatment protocols just for our swimming clients. It’s become one of our niche specialties!
One competitive swimmer who comes to us regularly told me that her coach actually started recommending our salon to the whole team after seeing how much healthier her hair looked while still maintaining her intensive training schedule. That was a pretty awesome moment for us.
If you’re a regular swimmer in Indianapolis, don’t wait until your hair is significantly damaged to seek help. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we can assess your specific hair type, your swimming habits, and the facilities you use to create a customized care routine. Prevention is always easier than repair when it comes to swimmer’s hair!
Pre-Swim Hair Care Routines to Prevent Damage
Let me tell you about the biggest mistake I made when I first started swimming regularly at the Jordan YMCA – I’d just hop in the pool with dry hair and wonder why it felt like straw afterward. Total rookie move! Now I know better, and I’m going to share all my pre-swim hair care secrets that I’ve gathered both from personal experience and from working with countless swimming clients at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop.
Here’s the golden rule of swimming hair care that changed everything for me: wet your hair thoroughly with clean water before you ever set foot in a pool. I mean absolutely saturated! When your hair is already full of clean water, it can’t absorb as much chlorinated pool water. It’s such a simple step, but I’d say about 75% of the swimmers who come into our salon with damaged hair aren’t doing this one basic thing.

I have this one client, Mike, who swims laps every morning before work. He was complaining about his hair feeling like straw despite using good products. When I asked if he wet his hair before swimming, he looked at me like I was speaking another language! After he started pre-wetting his hair, he came back two weeks later already noticing a huge difference.
Once your hair is wet, the next step is applying a protective layer. Think of it like putting on sunscreen before heading outside. You want something that creates a barrier between your hair and all those pool chemicals. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we recommend products specifically designed for swimmers – these usually contain ingredients that help neutralize chlorine or create a protective coating on the hair shaft.
I personally love using a tiny bit of coconut oil or a silicone-based serum before swimming. I just run it through my mid-lengths and ends – not too much or you’ll create a slick in the pool (definitely experienced that embarrassment firsthand!). Some of my clients swear by leave-in conditioners with UV protection, which is great if you’re swimming outdoors at places like Sahm Park Pool during summer.
Now, if you’ve got colored hair – especially those gorgeous fashion colors or blonde highlights – you need to be even more vigilant. I colored my hair a beautiful rose gold last year and then mindlessly went for a swim without protection. Let’s just say it wasn’t rose gold anymore! At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we specifically counsel our color clients about swimming precautions.
For those with color-treated hair, consider using products with color-sealing technology before swimming. These products help lock in color molecules and prevent the chlorine from fading or altering your shade. We carry several specialized options at our salon that have saved many a beautiful color job from Indianapolis pool water!
Protective hairstyles are another game-changer for swimmers. I used to just pull my hair back in a ponytail, which did basically nothing to protect it. Now I know better! Braids are fantastic because they keep your hair compact and minimize surface area exposure to the water. A tight bun works well too. Just make sure you’re using non-metal, snag-free hair ties to prevent breakage.
Swim caps are obviously the most protective option, but I know from personal experience they can be uncomfortable and not everyone wants to wear them. If you do use a swim cap, here’s a pro tip we share at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop: apply a leave-in conditioner first, then put on the cap. Your body heat will basically give you a deep conditioning treatment while you swim! I accidentally discovered this hack when I forgot to rinse out my conditioner once before putting on my cap. Sometimes mistakes lead to the best discoveries!
For my clients with thick or curly hair who struggle with fitting everything under a swim cap, try using a silicone cap rather than latex – they tend to have more give. And dampen your hair first to help it lay flatter under the cap.
If you’re swimming multiple times a week like many of my clients who train at places like Indy Island or Thatcher Park Pool, you need to be extra diligent with your pre-swim routine. We often recommend rotating between different protective products to address various aspects of hair care – moisture one day, protein another, and so on.
For those super busy morning swimmers who tell me they “don’t have time” for pre-swim hair care, I’ve developed a 30-second routine that’s better than nothing: quick rinse under the shower, spray in a leave-in conditioner, twist hair into a bun, and go. No excuses!
I have several clients who are triathletes training in Indianapolis, and they face unique challenges with frequent transitions between swimming, cycling with helmets, and running. We’ve developed specialized routines for them at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop that focus on quick, effective protection and easy styling between sports.
One surprising tip I learned from a professional swimmer who visits our salon: apply a thin layer of conditioner specifically to your hairline before putting on your swim cap. This area tends to get the most friction from the cap and can break easily, but this little trick provides extra protection.
Another consideration is timing – if you know you’re going to color your hair, try to schedule it for a time when you won’t be swimming for at least a few days afterward. Fresh color is more vulnerable to chlorine damage. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we actually ask our clients about their swimming habits when scheduling color appointments.
For my youngest swimming clients, like the kids on the Indy Dolphins team, we keep pre-swim routines super simple. Their parents often apply a spray-in detangler or light leave-in conditioner before practice, which offers some protection while being quick and easy enough for kids to cooperate with.
Remember, the goal of pre-swim hair care isn’t to completely eliminate contact between your hair and the pool water – that’s impossible. The goal is to minimize absorption and create protective barriers that make the post-swim recovery process easier. It’s all about prevention rather than trying to fix severe damage later!
Post-Swim Hair Washing and Treatment Techniques
I cannot stress this enough – what you do in those first few minutes after getting out of the pool can make or break your hair’s health! I learned this lesson the hard way after a summer of competitive swimming left my hair feeling like actual straw. These days, I never leave the pool without going through my post-swim hair rescue routine, and neither should you!
The absolute first thing you need to do is rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water. And I mean THOROUGHLY – like, stand under that shower for longer than seems necessary. This initial rinse needs to happen immediately after swimming, not when you get home an hour later. Every minute that chlorine sits in your hair is causing more damage. When I’m working with clients at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop who swim regularly, this is always the first habit we try to establish.

I once had a client who was a swim coach at one of the Indianapolis high schools. She would finish practice and then spend an hour doing paperwork before showering. She couldn’t figure out why her hair was so damaged despite using expensive products. Once she started rinsing immediately after getting out of the pool, the difference was dramatic within just a couple weeks.
Now, let’s talk shampoo. Regular shampoo just won’t cut it for removing chlorine. You need a clarifying or swimmer’s shampoo specifically formulated to remove chlorine, minerals, and other pool chemicals. These specialized shampoos contain ingredients like EDTA or vitamin C that actually break down and remove chlorine molecules rather than just cleaning the surface.
At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we carry several swimmers’ shampoos that our Indianapolis clients swear by. The key is to massage it thoroughly into your scalp and hair, and then – this is crucial – let it sit for 2-3 minutes before rinsing. This gives those active ingredients time to work their magic and neutralize the chlorine.
After shampooing, conditioning is absolutely non-negotiable. Swimming strips your hair of its natural oils, so you need to replace that moisture ASAP. I recommend using a deep conditioner at least once a week if you swim regularly. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes (longer if possible) to really let it penetrate the hair shaft.
One DIY deep conditioning treatment I love to recommend to my swimming clients is this: mix equal parts regular conditioner with honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to damp hair, cover with a shower cap, and let sit for 20 minutes. The difference is amazing! I stumbled upon this recipe when I was desperately trying to save my own chlorine-damaged hair years ago, and now I share it with everyone at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop.
For those of you with blonde or light-colored hair that’s prone to that dreaded greenish tint from pool copper, here’s a game-changing tip: tomato juice rinses actually work! The acidity in the tomato juice helps neutralize and remove the copper deposits. I know it sounds crazy – and yes, your shower will look like a crime scene – but it’s effective in a pinch! Just massage it through your hair, let it sit for 10 minutes, then shampoo and condition as normal.
A more salon-approved method for removing green tints is using a chelating treatment. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we offer professional chelating treatments specifically designed to remove mineral buildup from Indianapolis pool water. These treatments use ingredients that bind to the metals and remove them from your hair shaft without causing additional damage.
If you’re dealing with extremely dry, damaged swimmer’s hair, you might need to incorporate protein treatments into your routine. When chlorine breaks down your hair, it’s actually damaging the protein structure of the hair itself. Using a keratin or protein-based treatment can help rebuild some of that structure. However – and this is important – don’t overdo it with protein! Too much can actually make your hair more brittle. At our salon, we recommend alternating between protein and moisture treatments.
For curly-haired swimmers, pool chemicals can be particularly devastating to your curl pattern. After swimming, try using a curl-specific deep conditioner and then applying a curl-defining cream to soaking wet hair. Scrunch gently and allow to air dry or use a diffuser on low heat. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we’ve helped many curly-haired swimmers maintain their beautiful curls despite regular pool exposure.
Heat styling should be minimized when you have swimmer’s hair, but I know that’s not always realistic. If you must blow dry or use hot tools, please please PLEASE use a heat protectant first! Your chlorine-exposed hair is already vulnerable, and adding heat without protection is like throwing gasoline on a fire. At our salon, we recommend products with both heat protection and UV protection for our swimming clients.
Speaking of UV, if you’re swimming outdoors at places like Sahm Park or Douglass Park pools during summer, you’re dealing with a double-whammy of chlorine AND sun damage. After swimming outdoors, use products with UV filters or wear a hat after your swim to prevent further damage from the sun.
One post-swim hack I love is using a leave-in treatment with apple cider vinegar. The acidity helps restore your hair’s natural pH balance, which chlorine totally disrupts. Just add a tablespoon to a spray bottle of water, spritz on your hair after conditioning, and don’t rinse out. The vinegar smell disappears once your hair dries, I promise!
For those with extremely damaged swimmer’s hair, sometimes a trim is the best solution. I know it’s not what anyone wants to hear, but cutting off the most damaged ends can prevent the damage from traveling up the hair shaft. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we often recommend slight trims every 6-8 weeks for our regular swimming clients to stay ahead of damage.
Don’t forget about your scalp! Chlorine doesn’t just affect your hair – it can dry out your scalp too, leading to flakiness and irritation. Once a week, try a gentle scalp scrub or exfoliation to remove buildup and keep your scalp healthy. I personally use a mixture of brown sugar and conditioner as a DIY scalp scrub, and it works wonders!
For my clients who swim almost daily, like some of the Masters swimmers who train at IUPUI, we actually recommend occasionally skipping shampoo and just using a co-wash (conditioning wash) to avoid over-stripping the hair. As long as you’re using a clarifying shampoo 2-3 times a week, you can cleanse with just conditioner on the other days.
If you’re noticing that your hair feels “gummy” or stretchy when wet after swimming, that’s a sign of protein loss and severe damage. Don’t panic! At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we offer professional-grade treatments that can help restore protein balance to severely compromised hair. This isn’t something you can typically fix at home with over-the-counter products.
Remember, consistency is key with post-swim hair care. One deep treatment won’t undo months of chlorine damage. But a consistent routine of immediate rinsing, proper cleansing, and regular deep conditioning will make a noticeable difference over time. Your future self (and your hair) will thank you!
Best Products for Swimmers’ Hair Care in Indianapolis
Let’s get real about products for swimmers – not all are created equal, and some are just downright wastes of money! After years of trial and error with my own swimming-damaged hair and helping countless clients at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, I’ve developed some strong opinions about what actually works for Indianapolis swimmers.

First things first – you absolutely need a dedicated swimmer’s shampoo or clarifying shampoo designed to remove chlorine. Regular shampoos just don’t cut it! They’re not formulated to break down and remove chlorine molecules from your hair shaft. I learned this the hard way when I was swimming regularly and using my fancy salon shampoo, wondering why my hair still felt like straw and smelled faintly of pool.
The best swimmer’s shampoos contain ingredients like sodium thiosulfate, which chemically neutralizes chlorine. EDTA is another ingredient to look for – it helps remove mineral deposits that come from Indianapolis pool water. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we’ve seen amazing results with Ultra Swim and Malibu C swimmers’ shampoos. Both are specifically designed to remove chlorine without stripping your hair of its natural oils.
Matching your swimmer’s shampoo with the right conditioner is crucial! When I first started swimming at the Indy Island Aquatic Center, I was using a clarifying shampoo but pairing it with a lightweight conditioner. Big mistake! Swimmer’s hair needs serious moisture replenishment. Look for conditioners labeled “deep hydrating” or “repair” that contain ingredients like keratin, argan oil, or shea butter.
I always tell my swimming clients to avoid conditioners with silicones (ingredients ending in “-cone” like dimethicone). While silicones make your hair feel smooth temporarily, they can build up over time and actually prevent deeper moisture from penetrating your damaged hair. I made this mistake for months before figuring out why my deep conditioning treatments weren’t working!
Leave-in treatments are absolute game-changers for swimmers. After your regular wash and condition, these products continue working to protect and repair your hair throughout the day. I’m obsessed with leave-in treatments containing UV protection, especially for clients who swim at outdoor pools like Sahm Park during summer. The combination of chlorine plus sun exposure is brutal on hair!
My personal favorite leave-in treatment that we recommend at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop is a spray-in formula with vitamin E and sunflower seed extract. It helps seal the cuticle that chlorine has roughed up while also providing environmental protection. I spray it in my damp hair after swimming and can immediately feel the difference in how my hair detangles.
For swimmers with curly or textured hair, leave-in products with coconut oil or shea butter can help restore your natural curl pattern after chlorine exposure. I have a client with gorgeous 3C curls who swims three times weekly at the Jordan YMCA, and she swears by a leave-in curl cream applied to soaking wet hair right after her post-swim shower.
Hair masks are essential for deep repair, especially if you’re swimming more than once a week. Think of them as intensive therapy sessions for your damaged hair! Overnight treatments can be particularly effective for Indianapolis swimmers dealing with severe chlorine damage. I tell my clients to apply a mask once a week minimum, twice if you’re in heavy training.
The best masks for swimmers contain protein to rebuild the hair structure, along with deep moisturizing ingredients. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we’ve seen incredible results with protein-moisture balanced masks on our swimming clients. Look for ingredients like hydrolyzed keratin, collagen, avocado oil, or honey.
One of my personal favorites that we carry at our salon is a professional-grade reconstructing mask with keratin amino acids. I use it myself the night after I swim laps at Thatcher Pool, applying it to damp hair, covering with a shower cap, and letting it work overnight. The difference in elasticity and shine by morning is amazing!
Speaking of products we carry at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop – we’ve actually curated a specific “Indianapolis Swimmer’s Kit” that includes all the essentials: chlorine-removing shampoo, deep repair conditioner, leave-in treatment, and a weekly mask. We put this together after seeing so many local swimmers struggling with the same issues. The kit includes products specifically chosen to address our local water conditions.
We also offer a specialized swimmers’ scalp treatment that helps balance the pH of your scalp after chlorine exposure. Many swimmers focus on their hair but forget that chlorine affects the scalp too! This treatment helps prevent the flakiness and irritation that can come from frequent swimming.
For blonde swimmers dealing with that dreaded green tint, we carry a purple shampoo with chelating agents that both removes the greenish cast and brightens blonde tones in one step. I wish I’d had this product years ago when my own highlights turned a weird shade of seafoam after a summer swim season!
If professional-grade products aren’t in your budget, there are some cost-effective alternatives that really work. One of my favorite budget hacks is mixing a tablespoon of baking soda into your regular shampoo once a week. The alkaline nature of baking soda helps neutralize chlorine, though you’ll need to follow with a good conditioner since it can be drying.
Another affordable option is using apple cider vinegar as a post-shampoo rinse. Mix one part vinegar with four parts water, pour it over your hair after shampooing, let it sit for two minutes, then rinse and condition as usual. The acidity helps restore your hair’s natural pH and remove mineral buildup from Indianapolis pool water.
For a budget-friendly hair mask, mash half an avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to damp hair, cover with a shower cap, and let sit for 20-30 minutes before washing out. I discovered this recipe during my broke college days when I was swimming frequently and couldn’t afford salon treatments!
Coconut oil is another inexpensive miracle worker for swimmer’s hair. Apply a small amount to damp hair after swimming, concentrating on the ends. For under $10, a jar will last you months and works just as well as some expensive oil treatments. Just don’t use too much or your hair will look greasy – a little goes a long way!
Finally, don’t overlook the importance of a good wide-tooth comb or wet brush specifically designed for wet hair. Chlorine-damaged hair is particularly vulnerable to breakage when wet, and using the right tools makes a huge difference. This is a small investment that can prevent a lot of damage during your post-swim detangling routine.
Remember, the most expensive products aren’t always the best – it’s about finding formulations with the right ingredients for swimmer’s hair and being consistent with your routine. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we’re always happy to help Indianapolis swimmers find the perfect products for their specific needs, whether luxury or budget-friendly!
Professional Hair Care Solutions for Dedicated Swimmers
When regular at-home care just isn’t cutting it anymore, it might be time to bring in the professionals. I’ve seen swimmers come into Basil Beauty and Barber Shop practically in tears over their damaged hair, and let me tell you – watching their faces light up when they see what professional treatments can do is one of the most rewarding parts of my job!
For serious Indianapolis swimmers dealing with chronic hair issues, we offer several specialized treatments that go way beyond what you can achieve at home. One of our most popular is our Swimmer’s Rescue Treatment, which we developed specifically for our clients who frequent places like the IUPUI Natatorium and Jordan YMCA. This three-step process includes a clarifying chelation treatment to remove all chlorine and mineral buildup, followed by a deep protein replenishment therapy, and finally a moisture-sealing treatment that helps prevent future damage.
I had this one client, Jason, who swims competitively five days a week. His hair was literally breaking off in chunks when he first came to see us. After just two of our Swimmer’s Rescue Treatments spaced two weeks apart, the difference was incredible. His hair stopped breaking, the texture improved dramatically, and he couldn’t stop touching it because it felt so much better!
Another exclusive service we offer at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop is our Chlorine Detox Treatment. This is perfect for those “emergency situations” – like when you’ve got green-tinged hair from copper deposits or when your hair feels gummy and stretchy when wet (a sure sign of severe protein loss). This intensive service uses professional-grade chelating agents that bind to and remove metals and chlorine compounds that regular shampoos just can’t touch.

For swimmers with color-treated hair, we’ve got some serious magic up our sleeves! Our Color Shield Treatment creates a protective barrier around color molecules to prevent chlorine from causing fading or unwanted color shifts. If you’ve already experienced color damage from swimming, our Color Correction service can neutralize green tones in blonde hair or restore vibrancy to faded colors without causing additional damage.
Now, let’s talk haircuts and styles, because the right cut can make a HUGE difference for swimmers. I always recommend styles with clean, blunt ends for my swimming clients. Split ends are more porous and absorb more chlorine, so keeping those ends fresh is super important. For my female swimmers who still want some length, a long bob (or “lob”) that sits above the shoulders works well because it doesn’t constantly sit in pool water during backstroke.
For men who swim regularly, I often suggest keeping the sides shorter while leaving a bit more length on top. This creates a versatile style that’s easy to manage after swimming but still gives some styling options for non-pool days. I’ve got several male clients who compete with local Masters swim teams who swear by this approach.
Layers can be tricky for swimmers – too many fine layers can lead to tangling and increased damage. Instead, we often recommend minimal, strategic layering just to create movement without compromising the hair’s integrity. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we consider not just how the hair looks when styled, but how it will behave when wet and subjected to pool chemicals.
Color treatments for swimmers require special consideration. If you’re a dedicated swimmer but still want to color your hair, we generally recommend staying within two shades of your natural color. The more dramatic the color change, the more processing required, which can make your hair more vulnerable to chlorine damage. For blonde swimmers, we often suggest balayage rather than all-over lightening, as this technique leaves some of your natural oils intact at the roots.
For those brave souls who want fashion colors despite their swimming habits, we’ve developed specific application techniques and product combinations that maximize color longevity. We’ll also create a customized maintenance schedule that works around your swim training calendar. Timing is everything – we often recommend scheduling color refresh treatments during rest weeks in your training cycle.
One of the most valuable services we offer at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop is our Swimmer’s Hair Consultation. This in-depth evaluation looks at your specific hair type, swimming habits, the facilities you use most often, and your styling preferences to create a completely personalized care plan. We’ll analyze your hair’s current condition, identify specific issues, and develop both in-salon and at-home strategies to address your unique needs.
During these consultations, we often discover that clients are using products that actually make chlorine damage worse! I remember one competitive swimmer who was using a protein-heavy product line that was making her already protein-overloaded hair even more brittle. Making that one change to her routine made a dramatic difference.
For our most dedicated swimming clients, we typically recommend a maintenance schedule that includes:
- A professional clarifying treatment every 4-6 weeks
- Trim or dusting of the ends every 6-8 weeks to prevent damage from traveling up the hair shaft
- Deep conditioning treatments every 2-3 weeks
- Color refresh (if applicable) timed around major competitions or training cycles
I personally work with several of the local high school and collegiate swim teams here in Indianapolis, and we offer team discounts for swimmers who come to us for maintenance. It’s amazing to see the difference in their hair health over the course of a season when they follow our recommended protocols.
One of our regular clients, a coach for a local swim club, actually brings her entire team in before championship season for what she calls their “hair prep” appointments. We adjust everyone’s haircuts to fit better under caps, treat any existing damage, and provide customized product recommendations. It’s become a fun team tradition!
If you’ve been swimming for years and feel like your hair might be beyond repair, don’t give up hope! At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we’ve seen some truly dramatic transformations. Professional treatments can restore elasticity, rebuild protein structures, and rebalance moisture levels in even severely damaged swimmer’s hair. It might take a series of treatments rather than just one, but improvement is almost always possible.
Remember, professional help isn’t just for fixing damage – it’s even more effective as a preventative measure. The swimmers who maintain the healthiest hair are those who incorporate professional treatments into their routine before major issues develop. Think of it like going to the dentist for regular cleanings rather than waiting until you need a root canal!
Seasonal Swimming Hair Care Tips for Indianapolis Residents
Swimming in Indianapolis is practically a year-round activity, but let me tell you, each season brings its own unique hair challenges! After years of helping swimmers at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, I’ve developed specialized seasonal advice that’s specifically tailored to our Indianapolis climate and facilities.
Summer in Indy is when most of our outdoor pools open up, and that means you’re dealing with a double whammy of chlorine AND sun exposure. I learned this lesson the hard way after spending a summer swimming at Sahm Park Pool and ending up with hair that felt like actual straw! The UV rays from the sun compound chlorine damage, making your hair even more vulnerable to breakage.

During summer months, I always tell my swimming clients to use products with built-in UV protection. Think of it like sunscreen for your hair! Apply it before swimming and again after your post-swim shower. Another summer essential is a cute hat or swim cover for when you’re lounging poolside between swims. I keep a collection of wide-brimmed hats in my swim bag from May through September.
Summer swimming also means dealing with our infamous Indianapolis humidity. You might notice that after swimming, your hair becomes increasingly frizzy as the day goes on, even if it felt okay when you first styled it. That’s because chlorine-damaged hair is more porous and absorbs atmospheric moisture like a sponge. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we recommend anti-humidity serums specifically for our swimming clients during summer months.
One summer-specific tip I discovered by accident: aloe vera gel makes an amazing post-swim hair treatment during hot months! It’s cooling on the scalp and helps seal the cuticle to prevent frizz. I started using it after getting a slight sunburn and noticing how much better my hair looked afterward. Now it’s my go-to summer swimmer’s hack.
When fall arrives and we transition to indoor pools, you might think your hair would catch a break, but Indianapolis indoor pools often present their own challenges. Many facilities actually increase chlorine levels during high-usage seasons like fall and winter when more people are swimming indoors. I’ve noticed my hair feels more stripped after winter swims at places like the Jordan YMCA compared to summer.
During winter months, the combination of pool chemicals plus dry indoor heating is absolutely brutal on swimmer’s hair. I recommend upping your deep conditioning game in winter – go from once a week to twice weekly if you swim regularly. At our salon, we see a dramatic increase in emergency deep conditioning treatments around January and February from desperate swimmers!
Winter swimming also means your hair dries much more slowly after your swim. Never, ever leave the pool with wet hair in winter! I made this mistake once after an evening swim session, and my hair literally froze on the walk to my car. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can cause breakage as the frozen water expands inside your hair shaft. Always dry your hair completely before heading out into cold weather.
Another seasonal consideration is how the changing Indianapolis weather affects your scalp. In winter, chlorine exposure combined with dry indoor air can cause major scalp irritation and flakiness. I recommend incorporating a gentle exfoliating scalp treatment weekly during winter months to remove buildup and keep your scalp healthy.
Your swimming frequency should also dictate how you adjust your routine throughout the year. I have clients who swim daily during their competitive season but cut back to a couple times a week during off-season. If you’re in heavy training mode, you’ll need to be much more aggressive with your hair care routine – more frequent deep treatments, regular trims, and possibly professional salon treatments.
At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we actually create seasonal hair care calendars for our serious swimming clients, plotting out when to schedule deep treatments, trims, and color touch-ups based on their training and competition schedules. This kind of strategic planning makes a huge difference in maintaining hair health throughout the year.
For competitive swimmers training in Indianapolis facilities, there are some special considerations. If you’re competing at places like IUPUI Natatorium, you might notice that competition pools often have different chemical balances than training pools. Many swimmers tell me their hair feels different after meet weekends compared to regular practice.
I work with several members of local swim teams, and we’ve developed specific pre-competition and post-competition protocols. Before big meets, we recommend a professional deep conditioning treatment to fortify the hair. Afterward, a clarifying treatment helps remove the competition pool chemicals completely.
One thing I’ve noticed working with Indianapolis swimmers over the years is that seasonal allergies can also impact your scalp health when combined with pool chemicals. During high pollen seasons (especially spring in Indy), your scalp might become more sensitive. If you’re noticing unusual irritation, try using a fragrance-free swimmer’s shampoo during these times.
The transition between seasons is actually when I see the most hair damage in my swimming clients. Whenever pool maintenance crews adjust chemical levels for seasonal changes, your hair may react differently. Be especially vigilant with your hair care routine during these transition periods – typically early summer and early fall in Indianapolis.
Whether you’re a year-round lap swimmer at the YMCA, a summer-only pool goer, or a competitive athlete training at various Indianapolis facilities, adapting your hair care routine to the seasons will make a huge difference in maintaining healthy, beautiful hair while enjoying all the benefits of swimming.
When it comes to swimming hair care in Indianapolis, I’ve been on both sides – struggling with damaged, brittle hair and later helping hundreds of swimmers at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop achieve healthy, gorgeous hair despite frequent pool exposure. The lessons I’ve learned along the way have been game-changers, and I hope they’ll help you too!
The most important takeaway is that prevention is absolutely key. Don’t wait until your hair is damaged to start a protection routine! The simple act of thoroughly wetting your hair before entering the pool can reduce chlorine absorption by up to 70%. Combine that with a protective product and you’re already way ahead of most swimmers when it comes to hair health.
Remember the essential post-swim steps: rinse immediately, use a specialized swimmer’s shampoo, condition deeply, and give your hair extra TLC with regular deep treatments. These habits might seem time-consuming at first, but they’ll become second nature quickly – and they’re far less time-consuming than trying to repair severely damaged hair later!
For Indianapolis swimmers, understanding our local water conditions and how they interact with pool chemicals is crucial. The mineral content in our municipal water creates unique challenges that require specialized care. At Basil Beauty and Barber Shop, we’ve developed protocols specifically for Indianapolis swimmers based on years of working with local clients.
Located at 4911 West 38th Street, our salon has become a trusted resource for swimmers throughout Indianapolis. We offer specialized consultations where we evaluate your hair type, swimming habits, and the facilities you use most frequently to create a completely customized care plan. Many of our clients are amazed at how they can maintain both their swimming routine and beautiful hair with the right approach!
Our swimmer-specific services include clarifying treatments that remove chlorine and mineral buildup, deep conditioning therapies that restore moisture and protein balance, and specialized color services designed to withstand pool chemicals. We also carry a full line of swimmer-focused hair care products that you won’t find at typical drug stores or beauty supply shops.
If you’re struggling with swimming-related hair issues, I’d love to help! Call us at Basil Beauty and Barber Shop to schedule a swimmer’s hair consultation. During your visit, we’ll analyze your current hair condition, discuss your swimming routine, and develop a practical care plan that fits your lifestyle and schedule. We understand that not everyone has time for a complicated 10-step routine!
Swimming should be about fitness, fun, and relaxation – not stressing over damaged hair! With the right care routine and professional support, you can enjoy Indianapolis pools year-round while maintaining healthy, beautiful hair. I’ve seen dramatic transformations in clients who thought they might have to give up swimming due to hair damage, and nothing makes me happier than helping them continue their swimming journey without sacrifice.
I’d love to hear your own swimming hair care experiences and tips! When you visit our salon, be sure to share what’s worked for you and what challenges you’re still facing. The swimming community in Indianapolis is tight-knit, and sharing knowledge benefits everyone. Your experience might be exactly what another swimmer needs to hear!
Remember, beautiful hair and a regular swimming routine aren’t mutually exclusive – even in Indianapolis pools with their unique challenges. With the right knowledge, products, and professional support, you can have both! Dive in, swim on, and let Basil Beauty and Barber Shop help you keep your hair looking and feeling its best through every lap, every season.